

20 March 2014

Hiking in gorgeous Preveli gorge

Once getting in the end of the Preveli gorge, this paradise lagoon is waiting for you <3

I was hiking the Preveli gorge with my Austrian friends from camping Koutsounari, they talked already earlier to go to do this walk and once they were there nearby, I got a sms If I would like to come with them and of course I said a BIG YES! We spent few days parked next to the venecian bridge of Preveli which was built by the monks of Preveli. Harald has a good GPS map for walking so we were ready to go around the gorge. We had plenty of sun, but the day was VERY windy, but it didnt stop our happy hiking team. Thank you Renate and Harald to asking me with you, was wonderful walk and delicious vegetarian lasagne, not forgetting the "tiger-cake"!  Renate you are amazing magic woman! So here I have put many many photos and since I normally walk alone now there are also pictures from myself since Renate and Harald took many photos too...

Happy hiking team ready to start!

Up we go!

Tree hugging by Harald ;)

vegetation was sometimes thick!

Getting near to sea

There was big forest fire some years ago and still its to see..

Good Renate!!

Looking down to the lagoon

We needed to pass the river so Harald was exploring the best (less deep) way to do it. When it was my turn to "jump in", I can assure you that the water was very fresh. Doggy I needed to put on a lead, since she doesnt like to swim, though she loves the water!

Doggy and me crossing the river, exciting!

After the river crossing it was a time to have a break, little bit eating, resting and Renate did her magic and was serving raki out her bag, jamas to Preveli and the hiking team ;)

raki, raki, raki ;)


Kisssssssssss me pleaaaaseeee !

After the break ready to continue the road, visiting the palm forest before climbing up again, was worth it!

Harald and Renate

near 500 steps up!

look at the view !!!!

Getting back to the start, phewww, what a day, but beautiful!

the venetian bridge

Venetian Bridge, Preveli

Harald is having this GPS for walking and he can download the maps and afterwords he can read all the statistics, how long was the road, the speed etc. He gave me these maps below and the walk was 9.7 km long. Nice roundtrip!


  1. So brave you were again and Doggy, too! Wonderful pictures! We have got much snow in these days, you seem to have nearly summer there :D!
    How long will you still stay in Crete? Do you know already? Have a fine weekend! Kalo savatokiriako!

    1. Hello Eija, yes, the water part was exciting ;)! Seems that you have finally got winter there and here its quite summerish weather, walking with bear foot on the beach! I think that beginning May is good time to leave the island, before the big heat and tourism, towards new adventures ;) Enjoy your weekend too!

  2. Huikeat maisemat!! Olet tutustunut siellä mukaviin ihmisiin.Näkee,että sinulla on hauskaa.Upeita kuvia.No,kohtahan mä olen noissa maisemissa itsekin.Hui! Toivottavasti ei tarvitse kiivetä päätä huimaaviin paikkoihin.Joudut kantamaan mua silloin reppuselässä.

    1. Tervetuloa tanne pian, maisemat ovat kieltamatta huikeat ;), reiska voi auttaa raahaamaan sua ;)

  3. Je ne me lasse pas de les regarder tes photos, toujours aussi belles ! Gros bisous pleins vapeurs souffrées de Thermopyles :-)

    1. Salut Nadine, merci pour la visite en blog encore ;), prochaine update sur Imbros Gorge bientot, Gros bisous de Frangokastello, Bonne route pour vous!!


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