

6 April 2014

One nightmare story

Emilie, Sophie, Antoine, Edgar and Leon

Today I got unfortunaly bad news from the French family I met here on Crete. Family Leloup left from France last summer as an idea to make one year off and travel around the Europe, which they did until 1.4! What happened on 1.4, is not a joke for them! I wrote earlier about them in HERE (the end of the update) and you can visit their blog in HERE

Before first of April they had seen already many countries, including Scandinavia, Eastern-Europe, Turkey and Greece. From Crete they left towards Italy and they arrived to Rome. They found a good parking place in a more quiet area and thought the camper would be safe there...but...NO...

After they came back from their city-touring, they could not find their camper back and the most terrible part was that their little French Bulldog "Gydyl" was left in their camper during the day. So no home left and no dog, I can only try to imagine their emotions!!!

They struggled few days in a hotel in Rome and got good news two days later. Their dog was found by an Italian woman who happen to have also same race of dog and she was taking care of the dog, giving food and trying to find the owner by the microship. Hoera for themicroship- system!!!

So what now? Their trip definetely got a sad end, their home is rented out in France, so they cant even just return back to their home. Grandparents are giving their secondary house for their use for the next three months in Bretagne, so they will go there and try to forget the sad ending.

I am sure that after a while, they will more think about the good things and the experience they had, Sophie, the mother of the family is a positive person who gets everyone a long. Her favorite way of saying is La vie est belle, Life is Beautiful, and she got the right!

Im happy to have met this brave family who had enough courage to leave everything behind for a year and jump to an adventure with their camper. Its just not that simple with three children and a dog. But they did it well all the way until 1.4 and Im sure this was a life experience for them.

All the best for you Famille LeLoup, you can be proud from yourselves and a big warm hug from Crete, missing and thinking of you!


  1. Aivan kauheata! Tosi huono tuuri.No nyt tietää minne ei kannata matkustaa.Toivotaan,että varkaat löytyy ja poliisi tekee kaikkensa.Näin ei voi turisteja kohdella.

    1. Kyllä, olen järkyttynyt heidän puolesta! Ei Roomaa kuitenkaan kannata tämän takia jättää väliin, mutta ehdottomasti itse suuntaisin tämän kertomuksen jälkeen leirintäalueelle Roomassa ja muissa isoissa kaupungeissa joissa riski on aina suurempi, maasta riippumatta.

  2. Thank you very much for your message
    We are not so sad because we are on family with the dog Gudule (or Gydyle if you prefer).
    Have a good trip and if you come in France welcome at home
    Sophie et la meute

  3. Hey Sophie, Yes, thank goodness you got "Gydyl" back, he stayes Gydyl for me since the first time I already misspelled his name, its just funny:). Take care out there and thanks for the invitation!

  4. I´m so glad to read, too, that they got their Gudule back, so great joy in this awful situation. Hope all good for the whole family and a fine travel to you. You sure have many intresting days still on Crete.

    PS. Kuten huomaat, koirulaiset aina lähinnä sydäntä! Onneksi jännitystarinallasi oli onnellinen loppu siinä mielessä :-). Turvallista matkaa teille kahdelle!

    1. Eija, mun sydän meinasi myös pysähtyä, kun kuulin että asuntoauto koirineen oli hävinnyt, kunnes sain tietää että koira oli saatu takaisin, huh! Vielä jokunen viikko nautiskellaan Kreetalla, kun turistikausi kunnolla aukeaa on aika jatkaa matkaa mantereen puolelle ja Suomen suveen piipahtamaan :). Terveisiä meiltä ja ihanaa loppuviikkoa sinulle!


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