

14 November 2014

New window, back in business:)

Finally we got the new window in my van so we said goodbye to Athens and kalimera to Crete <3.

I was little bit excited if the window will be the right one, you never know, but phewww, it was!!

 So please meet up with the new window :)

Ferries on Crete are leaving always in the evening so I managed to catch the ferry the same day as the window was repaired. You have no need to reserve tickets in advance, just drive to the port of Piraeus, gate 3 and you can find there the ticket service. Camper costed 126.50 e and for one person 29.00, if you buy return ticket (round trip) at the same time, you will get an extra 20% discount. I didnt buy this since I do not know the plans for the return. 

There are three ferries every evening, Blue Star Ferries (which I took this time) to Heraklion, Anek to Chania and Minoan Lines to Heraklion. Minoan is I think more classy and little bit more pricey.

Blue Star Ferry to Heraklion

Anek Lines to Chania

And Minoan Lines to Heraklion

And how small world!!!! At the port I met my Austrian friends, Harald and Renate <3

Departure at 21:00 to Heraklion

Ticket service at the harbour

All the trucks got loaded before they let bigger cars in

Most cars were really over charged

Outside deck where we spent the night. Since I travel with a dog, I am not allowed to be inside with her. So....We had a long and cool night at the upper deck outside in a plastic chair! Travelling with a dog was easier with Anek Lines, since the restaurant in their upper deck had couches instead of these shitty garden chairs, it was atleast more comfortable, but same cool. Have to try still Minoan lines out to compare them all.

My bed 21.00 - 06.00, not so luxury, hahah! Doggy was staying most of the night under the chair. At least once she was like a very small doggy, she took amazing little space :)

Pity you can not stay in the camper, It could have been easy possible, since my spot was  next to a window, not in a closed deck, how much better we would have slept.

Arriving to the port of Heraklion, Kalimera Crete!


  1. What did break your window ?

  2. A sudden blow of a strong wind :(

  3. Hienoa, että vastoinkäymisten jälkeen pääset Kreetalle.
    Vie terveisiä Portes tavernaan, jos satut siellä käymään.
    Nauti reissusta, täällä talvi painaa päälle.
    T. Janne&Merja

  4. Morjens Janne & Merja, kiitos, täällä ollaan nyt Kreetalla :). Missä on se Portes ravintola? Täällä tänään puoliaurinkoista, jokunen vesitippa ja Kreetan tyyliin välillä kunnon puuskittainen tuuli!

  5. Tulipa kirjoitettua huolimattomasti, eli Agios Nikolaoksessa.

    Toivottavasti linkit toimii.

    1. :), no kovin kaukana ei ole, sillä nyt rentoillaan Eloundassa ja Agios onkin seuraava pysähdyspaikka!

  6. Hienoa, kun ikkuna on nyt vaihdettu.
    On teillä ollut kyllä vähän vaatimaton sänky.
    Hyviä jatkoja teille sinne Kreetalle! :)

    1. Moikka Soleil ja kiitos! Hytti olisi maksanut reilun satkun joten päädyimme tähän istuvaan malliin ulkokannelle, säästettiin diesel rahaa Kreetalle :).

  7. Ihanaa Kreetaa taas vaihteeksi ja kuulumisiin (ja tietysti isot rapsutukset reippaalle karvakuonolle :D). Täällä harmaillaan ja odotellaan aurinkoa!

  8. Kiitos Eija, luulisin että viihdymme täällä :). Kreetalla ihanan aurinkoista nyt, luvassa koko viikoksi, ensi viikolla olisi viileämpää luvassa, muttei kuitenkaan samassa luokassa kuin siellä:). Rapsut sinnekin Rambolle!


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