

27 August 2015

Laughter of the day

Here the sand do not have time to burn your toes before getting to the sea :)

Back again in Tsoutsouros for some days, I always like to have a stop in here. Tavernas and cafes are of course all still open, but not too many people around anymore since it is the last week of August and most Greeks have ended their holidays last weekend.

I just had a good big laugh yesterday, when a waiter from one taverna asked me with his limited English
- Is there a dog inside your dog?
- Excuse me?
- Yes, maybe dog inside your dog?
- ???
Then he starts pushing her stomach and saying maybe babys?
- hahahah, noooooooo, I agree she is having some extra weight now, since we were staying long time in Frangokastello and the taverna there took a good care that there was no food missing from my dog.
- ok, no dog in your dog, just food
- yes

Im happy he didnt ask if I had a person in my person :P.

We really need to start the good walks again, both of us. Welcome autumn!!!!!

23 August 2015

Plaka and its view to Spinalonga

Sunrise in Plaka, Spinalonga Island on the left.

Plaka is the village from the book of Victoria Hislop - The Island. It is telling the story of Spinalonga island, where was a leper colony from 1903 until 1957. In 2009 the Greek Mega Channel started to film television series in Plaka and Elounda area called "To Nisi", which is based on a novel from Victoria Hislop. It is one of the most expensive Greek television productions ever with a budget of €4 million. It came also in Finnish television last summer with the name - Saari.

21 August 2015

Time for something new

Im am not a person who could imagine writing articles from fashion or follow the fashion, I don´t generally even like shopping (yes, it is true!). I use many things until to the end and feel so sad when my favorite t-shirt, bag, shoes etc will eventually meet their end. There are persons who would laugh that I still wear that awful t-shirt that I got adviced years ago to throw away. Now it was really time to say goodbye for few things. My ultimate favorite backpack bought maybe 15 years ago from Holland and my beach/swimming- shoes, they were really getting useluss to have, too many holes that even the bigger stones found their way in..

16 August 2015

Motoristin näkökulma

Kotikaupungissani Helsingissä sattui keskiviikkona tapahtuma, jossa silminnäkijöiden mukaan autoilija tahallisesti aiheutti pyöräilijän kaatumisen ja joka johti torstaina pyöräilijan kuolemaan sairaalassa saamiinsa vammoihin...

8 August 2015

Kolokytha Island, Peninsula of Spinalonga

This island is connected by a bridge to Crete, so I am not always just in Crete, right?

If you are staying in Agios Nikolaos or Elounda, you can easily visit this beautiful island. I have walked there already before, but this time I had time to explore it better and I still want to return there after the season for nice walkings.  When you climb up the hills, the colors of the sea shows even better, love it!

3 August 2015

Erään kirjan herättämiä ajatuksia

Vielä löytyi asuntoautoni kätköistä yksi suomenkielinen kirja, mukava yllätys, sillä kaikki paperiset kirjat taitaa olla nyt luettuna. Viime kesänä ostin Suomessa ollessani elektronisen lukulaitteen, mutta en tohdi sitä rannalle asti kiikuttaa, paperiset olkoon sitä varten! Viime aikoina olen lukenut erityisen paljon englanninkielisiä kirjoja, Agios Nikolaoksen satamasta löysin vaihtopisteen, josta pystyn lainailemaan kirjoja ja palauttelen niitä sitten aina sinne palatessani, kätevää. Löytyi sieltä jopa muutama suomenkielelellä...