

5 October 2015

Baubos in Santorini

Santorini part 1/8, Fira

I felt like going on holiday, which is kinda odd thing to say, but that is how I felt. My dear friend came from Finland to Santorini and I took a ferry from Heraklion, Crete to get there as well. How exciting! We have this thing called "Baubo" - which is a Greek Goddess of Laughter and this is how we feel always when we meet. Laugh! So I made her a little souvenir, Baubos in Santorini :)

Helmet check for my doggy, before I left. She stayed in Crete with my friend, since I was going to rent a motorcycle and Santorini is not really a perfect island to go with a camper. I have never been apart from my dog before, not even for one night, but everything went smoothly.

Santorini is a small island (15.000 habitants), smaller than I imagined (I did not look any measures before leaving), perfect to go around with a motorbike.There were not many bikes but it was full of quads! I got a warning to watch them out, since they are not always the best drivers (Yes, indeed!). Suprisingly many tourist had an Asian look, I believe much from Japan and China. 

One thing is for sure, this island is full of romance with romantic places <3.

My ferry from Heraklion to Fira, Santorini. One way ticket costs 60 e and the price is about the same with all ferrylines. I had Hellenic Seaways, which seemed to have a reputation, that it is never on time. I had about an hour delay on both ways...But so what, I was going to Santorini :) :) :)!

Our hotel was in good location, not far from the center of Fira and we had our relaxed moment beside the pool after my arrival. Glass of wine, grapes and the laughter started!


House for sale, renovation needed.

Looking down to the old port.

Sunset cocktail, B-52.

Isn´it just romantic?

Candles everywhere!

An Irish bar where we had on our last evening few drinks.

Breakfast time in Fira, with a good fresh orange juice!

Found the bike after the breakfast and it was time to go to explore the island!


  1. Santoriini ihana paikka.Tonne pitää joskus päästä.Kuvat kertoo enemmän,kuin tuhat sanaa.No joku pääsi taas ajaa moottoripyörällä;jee!

  2. Upeita taidekuvia! Santorini on kyllä niin kuvauksellinen paikka. Oltiin kauan sitten 20-vuotishäämatkalla siellä lähes samoihin aikoihin kuin sinä nyt. Mietinkin jo, että missäs doggy piileksii, mutta sehän selvisikin edellisestä postauksestasi. Näin todella hyvä juttu, sait nauttia vähän vauhdin hurmaakin. Ois voinut mennä karvakuonolta pää sekaisin niissä kiemuroissa. Mukavaa jatkoa! Täällä alettu jo tinttien talviruokinta ja maa on aamulla kuurassa!

    1. Teillä on ollut juuri SE oikea kohde, häiden romantiikkaa <3! Ihanat tintit, se oli minunkin ihana harrastus Suomessa, katsella lintujen tohinaa :)


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