

8 June 2016

Welcome to Poland

 Welcome to Poland, Rzeczpospolita Polska!

Okies, arriving in Poland, but the tolls??? I was looking little bit in advance information about it and was not sure if I need to buy this "ViaToll" machine. Had a stop in gas station and asked more about it. No, I did not need this machine since I am under 3.5 t. This was indeed good news! I only needed to pay the tolls when taking a real toll road, so you pay it in cash with € or zt. By the way, the prices were very cheap!!!

Loved the first sights of the houses, they used a lot of natural stones!

Market on the way..

Typical village view. My aim was to get at first near Krakow and visit the salt mine, next time more about coming soon!


  1. You can turn around - it is so cold here in Finland...

    1. Hahah, Pasi, too late, I wish to get some nice summer days (not just for me, all Finns needs it :P)

  2. Anonymous10 June, 2016

    Todella erikoisia taloja.Aivan upeita.

  3. Anonymous11 June, 2016

    Niin juuri, kokka kohti Kreetaa ja pelastukoon ken voi! Ei vaan koiran on kiva juosta viileässä Suomessa. Tervetuloa.

    1. Kiitos, luulen että koira kuitenkin viihtyy paremmin Suomen luonnossa kuin Kreetan kuumuudessa. Toki jos tuo tyyppi osaisi puhua, muistuttaisi hän ehkäpä tyyliin - "mutta olipahan ne moussakat ja souvlakit mitä mulle aina tavernassa tarjottiin kyllä niiiiin hyviä, enkö voisi saada kenties molempia?


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