

16 November 2013

Ierapetra, southest city of Europe

Ierapetra is located southeast of Crete and its the most southern city of Europe and above all it has 3101 hours of sunshine per year and is Greece's sunniest city! So I guess I will spend more days in this coming winter in the neighbourhood of Ierapetra!

Tourist season is really over now in here, so there is room in every place you go in this time of year. Good thing is that you can basicly park every where, in places that in summer would be impossible. Bad side is if you want night life - there is none, but you can still find good local taverns which are open all year - thank goodness!!

Parking at the port of Ierapetra

City center Ierapetra, taverns following the seaside

Reading is good!

Getting really empty out here..

waiting tourists for season 2014
 As I am vegetarian, there are plenty of choice to me in the restaurants and I do enjoy fully from this! Look at these two plates I had in Ierapetra, soooo delicious! To be a vegetarian in here, is quite much easier than in Spain or Portugal, where they mostly offers me omelette with french fries...Ive had quite enough about that, how often do you really want to eat just that when you supposed to eat well in a restaurant? These plates are more like a good dinner ;) :

Vegetarian plate

another veggie...

one more deliveggie...

My birthday cake, blew the candle and wished ;)


  1. Wonderful pages you have! Ihanat sivut ja ihana doggy, melkein kuin Rambo. I`ll write in English, better in Finnish :D! And you can guess, how envious I really am... You do just like many of us would like to do if we had courage enough! But luckily we can read your blog!!!!
    Have a nice weekend, "see" you later! Leppoisaa ja rauhaisaa viikonloppua! Palaillaan!!

  2. Hieno leivos,nam nam! Joku täytti vuosia.Onnea vielä kerran.Olet mailman paras tyttö.Kyllä käy teitä kateeksi,kun saatte olla sillä auringossa.Upeita kuvia ja maisemia.Ruokakin on mitä parhainta.

  3. Thank you Eija for visiting and your kind comment! Im glad to be in Greece for winter and sharing some pictures/stories, I know you love Greece deeply like I do too ;), Enjoy your weekend over there too! Palaillaan ;)


    Kiitos Äiti, sinä olet tietenkin maailman paras äiti "maailman parhaimmailla tytöllä" :P


Thank you for leaving a comment, they are always welcome in English, Finnish, Dutch or French, others I need google translate :)