

29 October 2014

Days in Athens

My visit in Athens is not seeing the end yet, so I´ve been going the less rainy days in the city and more rainy days I´ve stayed at the campsite.

All taxis are yellow and wow I cant believe that I had a moment a blue sky!!

Like I told earlier the public transport is good and cheap 1.2 e per ticket but also the prices of the taxis ain´t that much either, well depending how much the drivers try to get money out of you. Ive been paying between 5.8 - 10 e per trip (from the city to the campsite). But drivers are trying to fool you, don´t let them!

My first taxi trip I asked the driver how much it would cost about to get back to the campsite, he said it would be around 10 e. I jumped in and thought sounds fair to me. In the end his meter showed 5.8 e. He said - 10 euros please, I said - not quite, your meter shows less than 6...So I paid according the meter. Last time I just jumped in to the taxi, exactly same point than the first visit, I didnt even ask the price before (my error). The meter was running rapidly and he was covering some numbers of the meter with a tissue or something. When I saw the meter getting over 10, I told him when is he going to stop the meter running, since his tarifs are absurd? While getting to the campsite, his meter showed 15 euros and I asked him - so what is your real price? And it was 10 e, I didnt start to argue from this anymore, so ten it was (but it should have been less!). Well taxis are same everywhere, from Athens to Helsinki and from Marrakesh to Paris, just dont let them fool you (too much).

Also the prices in the city shops might be different if you pay with cash or credit card. When they ask you, would you like to pay with a card, they can add that by paying cash the price is this instead of the real price. So everyone choose how they want to do this, no comments from me :).

Lets get some photos...

I did something very touristic and made a tour with this happy train for an hour, was fun after all.

The train was passing very near the restaurants and several of them
where offering their visit cards to come back and eat later or
have a drink later at their place..

Street shops

I had a good laugh when these guys were passing the happy train 
with their funny bicycle (?) :)

This fellow looked exactly like my doggy!



Monastiraki is the flea market area in the old town, next to Plaka and Acropolis.Surroundings in Plaka and Monastiraki made me think of beeing in Amsterdam! Many hippie shops, handmade jewerlys, much bars and restaurants ect. Do not forget to bargain the prices in here :). This is the place that pleased me a lot in Athens!

As I am a beer lover and since I did find a beer bar, my day was saved :). Good American Indian Pale Ale was poured in my glass, yammy!!!

I saw many groups or just individual travellers driving around with these "things", no idea how they are called in English (though, I wouldn´t know the name in Finnish either!)

*It is called segway in English! A friendly reader was teaching me this one, thank you Alan:)

Happy train passing when I was enjoying my beer

This photo made me think the square in Marrakesh, Jemaa-el-Fnaa, good memories!

To Monastiraki you can get by the metro too, you shouldnt miss all these streets if you visit Athens!


  1. Kyllä toi Akropolis on niin kaunis ja erikoinen paikka.Varmaan oli hauskaa matkustaa sillä pikku junalla kapeita katuja.Toi kirppis oli varmaan hyvä jos sulla kerran tuli Amsterdam mieleen ja seon paljon se.Mikään ei voita Damia,vai?Upeita kuvia taas kerran.

  2. Jos joku paikka muistuttaa mulle Amsterdamia ni se on vissi ja varma et meikä viihtyy :). Tänään vielä kylille ja ainakin nyt aamulla aurinko vielä paistaa, harvinaista herkkua näiden sateisten ja harmaiden päivien jälkeen!

  3. Ihania kuvia! Nauti! Millainen se sun leirintäalue Ateenassa on?

  4. Kiitos :). Ateenan leirintäalue on tosi basic, kallis, mutta siisti. Erittäin meluisan tien varrella, mutta tähän meluun on alkanut jo tottua näin monen yön jälkeen. Leirinpitäjä daami olis sopinut gestapoksi paremmin kuin tänne.

  5. Kylläpä tuli ikävä Ateenaan kun katselin hienoja kuviasi. Monastirakin vieressä Aiolou-kävelykadulla Tempissä Irini-kirkkoa vastapäätä asun aina kun kaupungissa käyn,joten torin halki tulee käveltyä melkoisen paljon.
    Pärjäilkäähän gestapo-rouvan kanssa :D! Reiskalla on varmaan paljon ihmettelemistä vai huiliiko hän leirialueella silloin kun sä vaellat kaduilla? Taisi olla melkoinen vedenpaisumus kaupungissa tässä jokin aika sitten, muutamasta videosta päätellen. Hyvät jatkot ja aurinkoisia päiviä teille!

  6. Heissan Eija! <3 olen rakastunut tähän kaupunkiin, kuten mitä ilmeisimmin sinäkin! Reiska huilii leirissä, koiraa ei saa bussiin ottaa mukaan, metroon ehkä jo saisikin, kun kyselin asiaa täällä. Eli keskustan visiitit eivät koskaan yllä aamusta iltaan juuri tämän takia. Eilen Reiska jäi autoon jotta pääsi hiukan Ateenan ilta-elämään mukaan ja ei satanut eilen, jopa aurinkokin paistoi osan päivää ja bongasin kuun kirkkaalta taivaalta:). Kyllä, olin jo täällä Ateenassa tuon yhden todella huikean sadepäivän aikana ja tämä päivä kului todellakin sisällä autossa ja näinkin noita videoita netistä, hurjaa! Tänään taas harmaata ja viileätä, missä on piilossa minun ihana aurinkoinen Kreikka? Ateenaiset terveiset <3


Thank you for leaving a comment, they are always welcome in English, Finnish, Dutch or French, others I need google translate :)