

11 December 2016

Picos de Europa, Spain

This is a change, instead of having sand between my toes I had snow and yes this is in Spain! I did a tour around Picos de Europa National Park in Northern Spain. Picos de Europa means literally the "Peaks of Europe" and the name comes that these peaks where the first sight of Europe for ships who arrived to Europe from America.

Breathtaking beautiful roads to drive, I think the whole tour around was more than 200 km.

A car crashed down..

The highest peak reach at 2650 m and many people come here hiking and mountain climbing.

Amazing beautiful!


I camped in a campsite near the sea in Ribadesella. I was all alone until these Spanish caravan came beside me. They looked me coming and going and on the third day they invited me to have a fiesta with them. They could not speak any word English, but somehow we manage to understand eachother. They were rally freaks and were thrilled I came from Finland and they named all Finnish drivers for me. They had a small tiny dog and they told me that his name is "Kimi Raikkonen", oh yes sure. They said if I don´t believe it, call the dog by the name and you will see. Kimi was in full sleep and I said - Kimi Räikkönen!!! He wakes up and looks at me :P, how funny!

The town Ribadesella

These boats havent "sailed" in the while!

Next time back to Portugal!


  1. Voi sulla on varpaat paleltuneet!Kynnet ihan siniset.Ahahaa!!Loistavia kuvia taas.

  2. Tämä on aivan ihanaa, että pääsee nojatuolimatkailemaan koiran kanssa komeisiin maisemiin. Nyt siis ollaan marraskuussa, lähestytään koko ajan nykyhetkeä. Jännittävää!

    1. Kiitos :), nyt taas päivityksiä tekemään, täällä sataa! Moni oli jättänyt liudan kommentteja ja jostain syystä ne oli roskapostissa ja kun yritin niitä siirtää julkaistavaksi, ne hävisivätkin sitten kokonaan. Joku kiitteli gps-kordinaatteja paikoista, joista olen kirjoittanut, kiva kuulla, että niistä on teille hyötyä tuleviin matkoihin :)

  3. Työpöytääni siivotessa löysin käyntikorttisi, kohtasimme kerran Agios Nikolaoksessa. Olet ilmeisesti nyt Portugalissa. Itse olen menossa toukokuussa Paleochoraan.


Thank you for leaving a comment, they are always welcome in English, Finnish, Dutch or French, others I need google translate :)